Utility Library
All methods are defined in methods_pkg.vhd, unless otherwise noted.
All parameters in brackets are optional.
Legend: bool=boolean, sl=std_logic, slv=std_logic_vector, u=unsigned, s=signed, int=integer
Checks and awaits
Although all check and await methods have optional [alert_level], it is best practice to always evaluate and assign the most fitting alert_level for any given check or await.
Checking that a value is not equal to another value is possible by using a boolean expression as the [value] parameter.
check_value((value_1 /= value_2), ERROR, "Checking that value_1 is not equal value_2");
Checks if value equals exp, and alerts with severity alert_level if the values do not match. The result of the check is returned as a boolean if the method is called as a function.
[boolean :=] check_value(value(bool), [exp(bool)], [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
[boolean :=] check_value(value(sl), exp(sl), [match_strictness], [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
[boolean :=] check_value(value(slv), exp(slv), [match_strictness], [alert_level], msg, [scope, [radix, [format, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]]]])
[boolean :=] check_value(value(t_slv_array), exp(t_slv_array), [match_strictness], [alert_level], msg, [scope, [radix, [format, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]]]])
[boolean :=] check_value(value(t_unsigned_array), exp(t_unsigned_array), [match_strictness], alert_level, msg, [scope, [radix, [format, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]]]])
[boolean :=] check_value(value(t_signed_array), exp(t_signed_array), [match_strictness], alert_level, msg, [scope, [radix, [format, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]]]])
[boolean :=] check_value(value(u), exp(u), [alert_level], msg, [scope, [radix, [format, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]]]] )
[boolean :=] check_value(value(s), exp(s), [alert_level], msg, [scope, [radix, [format, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]]]])
[boolean :=] check_value(value(int), exp(int), [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
[boolean :=] check_value(value(real), exp(real), [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
[boolean :=] check_value(value(time), exp(time), [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
value |
in |
see overloads |
Value to be checked |
constant |
exp |
in |
see overloads |
Expected value |
constant |
match_strictness |
in |
Specifies if match needs to be exact or std_match, e.g. ‘H’ = ‘1’. Default value is MATCH_STD. |
constant |
radix |
in |
Controls how the vector is represented in the log. Default value is HEX_BIN_IF_INVALID. |
constant |
format |
in |
Controls how the vector is formatted in the log. Default value is KEEP_LEADING_0. |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert. Default value is ERROR. |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
constant |
msg_id |
in |
t_msg_id |
Message ID used in the log, defined in adaptations_pkg. Default value is ID_POS_ACK. |
constant |
msg_id_panel |
in |
t_msg_id_panel |
Controls verbosity within a specified scope. Default value is shared_msg_id_panel. |
-- Examples:
check_value(v_int_a, 42, WARNING, "Checking the integer");
v_check := check_value(v_slv5_a, "11100", MATCH_EXACT, "Checking the SLV", "My Scope", HEX, SKIP_LEADING_0, ID_SEQUENCER, shared_msg_id_panel);
Vectors are checked with MSB as left most and that the range is converted from “0 to N” to “N downto 0”. A WARNING is given if arrays are of defined with opposite directions. Different ranges in any dimension will not match.
Checks if min_value ≤ val ≤ max_value, and alerts with severity alert_level if val is outside the range. The result of the check is returned as a boolean if the method is called as a function.
[boolean :=] check_value_in_range(value(u), min_value(u), max_value(u), [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
[boolean :=] check_value_in_range(value(s), min_value(s), max_value(s), [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
[boolean :=] check_value_in_range(value(int), min_value(int), max_value(int), [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
[boolean :=] check_value_in_range(value(time), min_value(time), max_value(time), [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
[boolean :=] check_value_in_range(value(real), min_value(real), max_value(real), [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
value |
in |
see overloads |
Value to be checked |
constant |
min_value |
in |
see overloads |
Minimum value in the expected range |
constant |
max_value |
in |
see overloads |
Maximum value in the expected range |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert. Default value is ERROR. |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
constant |
msg_id |
in |
t_msg_id |
Message ID used in the log, defined in adaptations_pkg. Default value is ID_POS_ACK. |
constant |
msg_id_panel |
in |
t_msg_id_panel |
Controls verbosity within a specified scope. Default value is shared_msg_id_panel. |
-- Examples:
check_value_in_range(v_int_a, 10, 100, "Checking that integer is in range");
Checks if the target signal has been stable in stable_req time. If not, an alert is asserted.
check_stable(target(bool), stable_req, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
check_stable(target(sl), stable_req, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
check_stable(target(slv), stable_req, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
check_stable(target(u), stable_req, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
check_stable(target(s), stable_req, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
check_stable(target(int), stable_req, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
check_stable(target(real), stable_req, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
target |
in |
see overloads |
Signal to be checked |
constant |
stable_req |
in |
time |
Period of time to check if the signal is stable |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert. Default value is ERROR. |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
constant |
msg_id |
in |
t_msg_id |
Message ID used in the log, defined in adaptations_pkg. Default value is ID_POS_ACK. |
constant |
msg_id_panel |
in |
t_msg_id_panel |
Controls verbosity within a specified scope. Default value is shared_msg_id_panel. |
-- Examples:
check_stable(slv8, 9 ns, "Checking if SLV is stable");
This procedure checks that all the enabled scoreboards are empty, i.e. all expected values checked. The result of the check is returned as a boolean if the method is called as a function.
If an enabled scoreboard has expected values to be checked, an alert will be generated. Otherwise, a successful completion message and the optional reports will be printed in the log.
[boolean :=] check_sb_completion(VOID)
[boolean :=] check_sb_completion(alert_level, [print_alert_counters, [print_sbs, [scope, [msg_id_panel]]]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
in |
t_void |
A dummy parameter for easier reading syntax |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert. Default value is TB_ERROR. |
constant |
print_alert_counters |
in |
Whether to print a report of alert counters. Default value is NO_REPORT. |
constant |
print_sbs |
in |
Whether to print a report with all the scoreboards in the testbench. Default value is NO_REPORT. |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
constant |
msg_id_panel |
in |
t_msg_id_panel |
Controls verbosity within a specified scope. Default value is shared_msg_id_panel. |
-- Examples:
v_check := check_sb_completion(VOID);
Waits until the target signal changes, or times out after max_time. An alert is asserted if the signal does not change between min_time and max_time. Note that if the value changes at exactly max_time, the timeout gets precedence.
await_change(target(bool), min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_change(target(sl), min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_change(target(slv), min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_change(target(u), min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_change(target(s), min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_change(target(int), min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_change(target(real), min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
target |
in |
see overloads |
Signal to be checked |
constant |
min_time |
in |
time |
Minimum time that must pass before the signal changes |
constant |
max_time |
in |
time |
Maximum time for the signal to change |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert. Default value is ERROR. |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
constant |
msg_id |
in |
t_msg_id |
Message ID used in the log, defined in adaptations_pkg. Default value is ID_POS_ACK. |
constant |
msg_id_panel |
in |
t_msg_id_panel |
Controls verbosity within a specified scope. Default value is shared_msg_id_panel. |
-- Examples:
await_change(bool, 3 ns, 5 ns, "Awaiting change on bool signal");
Waits until the target signal equals the exp signal, or times out after max_time. An alert is asserted if the signal does not
equal the expected value between min_time and max_time, or if the target equals exp before min_time.
Note that if the value changes to the expected value at exactly max_time, the timeout gets precedence.
This procedure is a fall-through procedure when min_time = 0 ns
, and will not require a change. For a change to be required.
see await_change_to_value() under.
await_value(target(sl), exp(sl), [match_strictness], min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_value(target(slv), exp(slv), [match_strictness], min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [radix, [format, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]]]])
await_value(target(bool), exp(bool), min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_value(target(u), exp(u), min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [radix, [format, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]]]])
await_value(target(s), exp(s), min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [radix, [format, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]]]])
await_value(target(int), exp(int), min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_value(target(real), exp(real), min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
target |
in |
see overloads |
Signal to be checked |
constant |
exp |
in |
see overloads |
Expected value |
constant |
match_strictness |
in |
Specifies if match needs to be exact or std_match, e.g. ‘H’ = ‘1’. Default value is MATCH_STD. |
constant |
min_time |
in |
time |
Minimum time that must pass while target /= exp |
constant |
max_time |
in |
time |
Maximum time for the signal to change |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert. Default value is ERROR. |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
constant |
msg_id |
in |
t_msg_id |
Message ID used in the log, defined in adaptations_pkg. Default value is ID_POS_ACK. |
constant |
msg_id_panel |
in |
t_msg_id_panel |
Controls verbosity within a specified scope. Default value is shared_msg_id_panel. |
-- Examples:
await_value(bool, true, 10 ns, 20 ns, "Waiting for bool to become true");
await_value(slv8, "10101010", MATCH_STD, 3 ns, 7 ns, WARNING, "Waiting for slv8 value");
Waits until the target signal changes to the exp signal, or times out after max_time. If the signal changes to the expected value before min_time, or the signal does not change to the expected value between min_time and max_time, an alert is asserted.
If the target changes before min_time, but not to the expected value, nothing happens (check will continue until timeout or target changes to expected value)
If the value changes to the expected value at exactly max_time, the timeout gets precedence.
await_change_to_value(target(sl), exp(sl), [match_strictness], min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_change_to_value(target(slv), exp(slv), [match_strictness], min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_change_to_value(target(bool), exp(bool), min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_change_to_value(target(u), exp(u), min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_change_to_value(target(s), exp(s), min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_change_to_value(target(int), exp(int), min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_change_to_value(target(real), exp(real), min_time, max_time, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
target |
in |
see overloads |
Signal to be checked |
constant |
exp |
in |
see overloads |
Expected value |
constant |
match_strictness |
in |
Specifies if match needs to be exact or std_match, e.g. ‘H’ = ‘1’. Default value is MATCH_STD. (only in sl, and slv versions) |
constant |
min_time |
in |
time |
Minimum time that must pass before the target signal changes to exp |
constant |
max_time |
in |
time |
Maximum time for the target signal to change to exp |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert. Default value is ERROR. |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
constant |
msg_id |
in |
t_msg_id |
Message ID used in the log, defined in adaptations_pkg. Default value is ID_POS_ACK. |
constant |
msg_id_panel |
in |
t_msg_id_panel |
Controls verbosity within a specified scope. Default value is shared_msg_id_panel. |
-- Examples:
await_change_to_value(bool, true, 10 ns, 20 ns, "Waiting for bool to change to true for min 10 ns and max 20 ns");
await_change_to_value(slv8, "10101010", MATCH_STD, 3 ns, 7 ns, WARNING, "Waiting for slv8 to change to value");
Wait until the target signal has been stable for at least stable_req. Report an error if this does not occur within the time specified by timeout. Note that stable refers to that the signal has not had an event (i.e. not changed value).
await_stable(target(bool), stable_req, stable_req_from, timeout, timeout_from, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_stable(target(sl), stable_req, stable_req_from, timeout, timeout_from, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_stable(target(slv), stable_req, stable_req_from, timeout, timeout_from, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_stable(target(u), stable_req, stable_req_from, timeout, timeout_from, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_stable(target(s), stable_req, stable_req_from, timeout, timeout_from, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_stable(target(int), stable_req, stable_req_from, timeout, timeout_from, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
await_stable(target(real), stable_req, stable_req_from, timeout, timeout_from, [alert_level], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
target |
in |
see overloads |
Signal to be checked |
constant |
stable_req |
in |
time |
Period of time to check if the signal is stable |
constant |
stable_req_from |
in |
Point in time to start checking stability of the signal |
constant |
timeout |
in |
time |
Timeout for the signal to be stable during the required time |
constant |
timeout_from |
in |
Point in time when the timeout starts counting |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert. Default value is ERROR. |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
constant |
msg_id |
in |
t_msg_id |
Message ID used in the log, defined in adaptations_pkg. Default value is ID_POS_ACK. |
constant |
msg_id_panel |
in |
t_msg_id_panel |
Controls verbosity within a specified scope. Default value is shared_msg_id_panel. |
-- Examples:
await_stable(u8, 20 ns, FROM_LAST_EVENT, 100 ns, FROM_NOW, ERROR, "Waiting for u8 to stabilize");
This procedure waits for all the enabled scoreboards to be empty, i.e. all expected values checked.
If an enabled scoreboard still has expected values to be checked when the timeout occurs, an alert will be generated. Otherwise, a successful completion message and the optional reports will be printed in the log.
await_sb_completion(timeout, [alert_level, [sb_poll_time, [print_alert_counters, [print_sbs, [scope, [msg_id_panel]]]]]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
timeout |
in |
time |
Timeout for the VVCs to be inactive and the scoreboards to be empty. Must be greater than 0. |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert. Default value is TB_ERROR. |
constant |
sb_poll_time |
in |
time |
Time to wait until checking again whether the scoreboards have been emptied. Must be greater than 0. Default value is 100 us. |
constant |
print_alert_counters |
in |
Whether to print a report of alert counters. Default value is NO_REPORT. |
constant |
print_sbs |
in |
Whether to print a report with all the scoreboards in the testbench. Default value is NO_REPORT. |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
constant |
msg_id_panel |
in |
t_msg_id_panel |
Controls verbosity within a specified scope. Default value is shared_msg_id_panel. |
-- Example: Wait for all Scoreboards to be empty
await_sb_completion(1 ms);
-- Example: Wait for all Scoreboards to be empty and report the alert counters and scoreboards
This procedure is called within await_uvvm_completion(), which is recommended to use when there are VVCs in the testbench.
Logging and verbosity control
Sets the log file name. To ensure that the entire log transcript is written to a single file, this should be called prior to any other procedures (except set_alert_file_name()). If file name is set after a log message has been written to the log file, a warning will be reported. This warning can be disabled by setting C_WARNING_ON_LOG_ALERT_FILE_RUNTIME_RENAME false in the adaptations_pkg.
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
file_name |
in |
string |
Name of the log file. Default value is C_LOG_FILE_NAME. |
-- Examples:
Writes a message to the log. Note that if the msg_id is disabled in the msg_id_panel, the message will not be shown. Some general string handling features are:
All log messages will be given using the user defined layout in adaptations_pkg.vhd
\n may be used to force line shifts. Line shift will occur after scope column, before message column
\r may be used to force line shift at start of log message. The result will be a blank line apart from prefix (message ID, timestamp and scope will be omitted on the first line)
log([msg_id], msg, [scope, [msg_id_panel, [log_destination, [log_file_name, [open_mode]]]]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
msg_id |
in |
t_msg_id |
Message ID used in the log, defined in adaptations_pkg. Default value is C_TB_MSG_ID_DEFAULT. |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
constant |
msg_id_panel |
in |
t_msg_id_panel |
Controls verbosity within a specified scope. Default value is shared_msg_id_panel. |
constant |
log_destination |
in |
Defines where the message will be written to. Default value is shared_default_log_destination. |
constant |
log_file_name |
in |
string |
Defines the log file where message shall be written to. Default value is C_LOG_FILE_NAME. |
constant |
open_mode |
in |
file_open_kind |
Indicates how the log file shall be opened (write_mode, append_mode). Default value is append_mode. |
-- Examples:
log(ID_SEQUENCER, "message to log");
log(ID_BFM, "Msg", "MyScope", local_msg_id_panel, LOG_ONLY, "new_log.txt", write_mode);
Writes a text block from a VHDL line to the log.
log_text_block(msg_id, text_block, formatting, [msg_header, [scope, [msg_id_panel, [log_if_block_empty, [log_destination, [log_file_name, [open_mode]]]]]]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
msg_id |
in |
t_msg_id |
Message ID used in the log, defined in adaptations_pkg |
variable |
text_block |
inout |
line |
Line where the text block is stored |
constant |
formatting |
in |
Whether the text is formatted or not |
constant |
msg_header |
in |
string |
Header message for the text_block. Default value is “”. |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
constant |
msg_id_panel |
in |
t_msg_id_panel |
Controls verbosity within a specified scope. Default value is shared_msg_id_panel. |
constant |
log_if_block_empty |
in |
Defines how an empty text block is handled. Default value is WRITE_HDR_IF_BLOCK_EMPTY. |
constant |
log_destination |
in |
Defines where the text block will be written to. Default value is shared_default_log_destination. |
constant |
log_file_name |
in |
string |
Defines the log file where text block shall be written to. Default value is C_LOG_FILE_NAME. |
constant |
open_mode |
in |
file_open_kind |
Indicates how the log file shall be opened (write_mode, append_mode). Default value is append_mode. |
-- Examples:
log_text_block(ID_SEQUENCER, v_line, UNFORMATTED);
log_text_block(ID_BFM, v_line, FORMATTED, "Header", "MyScope");
Enables logging for the given msg_id. (See Message IDs for examples of different IDs).
enable_log_msg(msg_id, [quietness, [scope]])
enable_log_msg(msg_id, msg, [quietness, [scope]])
enable_log_msg(msg_id, msg_id_panel, [msg, [scope, [quietness]]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
msg_id |
in |
t_msg_id |
Message ID used in the log, defined in adaptations_pkg |
constant |
quietness |
in |
Logging of this procedure can be turned off by setting quietness=QUIET. Default value is NON_QUIET. |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert. Default value is “”. |
variable |
msg_id_panel |
inout |
t_msg_id_panel |
Controls verbosity within a specified scope. Default value is shared_msg_id_panel. |
-- Examples:
Disables logging for the given msg_id. (See Message IDs for examples of different IDs).
disable_log_msg(msg_id, [quietness, [scope]])
disable_log_msg(msg_id, msg, [quietness, [scope]])
disable_log_msg(msg_id, msg_id_panel, [msg, [scope, [quietness]]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
msg_id |
in |
t_msg_id |
Message ID used in the log, defined in adaptations_pkg |
constant |
quietness |
in |
Logging of this procedure can be turned off by setting quietness=QUIET. Default value is NON_QUIET. |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert. Default value is “”. |
variable |
msg_id_panel |
inout |
t_msg_id_panel |
Controls verbosity within a specified scope. Default value is shared_msg_id_panel. |
-- Examples:
Returns true if the given message ID is enabled, otherwise false.
boolean := is_log_msg_enabled(msg_id, [msg_id_panel])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
msg_id |
in |
t_msg_id |
Message ID used in the log, defined in adaptations_pkg |
constant |
msg_id_panel |
in |
t_msg_id_panel |
Controls verbosity within a specified scope. Default value is shared_msg_id_panel. |
-- Examples:
v_is_enabled := is_log_msg_enabled(ID_SEQUENCER);
Sets the default log destination for all log procedures. The destination specified in this log_destination will be used unless the log_destination argument in the log procedure is specified. A log message is written to log ID ID_LOG_MSG_CTRL if quietness is set to NON_QUIET.
set_log_destination(log_destination, [quietness])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
log_destination |
in |
Defines where all the log procedures will be written to |
constant |
quietness |
in |
Logging of this procedure can be turned off by setting quietness=QUIET. Default value is NON_QUIET. |
-- Examples:
Alert handling
The available alert levels are defined in the type t_alert_level. The behavior for each type of alert can be configured in adaptations_pkg.vhd. The simulation will be stopped when the occurences of an alert type reaches the number configured in C_DEFAULT_STOP_LIMIT. By default, the simulation will be stopped after one occurence of either ERROR, TB_ERROR, FAILURE or TB_FAILURE. Alert levels with the prefix TB_ are intended to be used in cases where the cause of the alert is known to be a testbench issue.
The MANUAL_CHECK alert type is intended for cases where a manual check, e.g. a waveform inspection, is required. When an alert of this type is encountered, the simulation will be stopped and the user will be prompted to carry out a manual check before resuming the simulation.
Sets the alert file name. To ensure that the entire log transcript is written to a single file, this should be called prior to any other procedures (except set_alert_file_name()). If file name is set after a log message has been written to the log file, a warning will be reported. This warning can be disabled by setting C_WARNING_ON_LOG_ALERT_FILE_RUNTIME_RENAME false in the adaptations_pkg.
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
file_name |
in |
string |
Name of the alert file. Default value is C_ALERT_FILE_NAME. |
-- Examples:
Asserts an alert with severity given by alert_level.
Increment the counters for the given alert_level.
If the stop_limit for the given alert_level is reached, stop the simulation.
alert(alert_level, msg, [scope])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
-- Examples:
alert(TB_WARNING, "This is a TB warning");
alert() overloads
Overloads for alert(). Note that: warning(msg, [scope]) = alert(warning, msg, [scope])
note(msg, [scope]) tb_note(msg, [scope])
warning(msg, [scope]) tb_warning(msg, [scope])
error(msg, [scope]) tb_error(msg, [scope])
failure(msg, [scope]) tb_failure(msg, [scope])
manual_check(msg, [scope])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
-- Examples:
note("This is a note");
tb_failure("This is a TB failure", "tb_scope");
Increments the expected alert counter for the given alert_level.
increment_expected_alerts(alert_level, [number, [msg, [scope]]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert |
constant |
number |
in |
natural |
Number to increment the counter. Default value is 1. |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert. Default value is “”. |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
-- Examples:
increment_expected_alerts_and_stop_limit(WARNING, 2, "Expecting two more warnings");
Simulator will stop when hitting a number of specified alert type (0 means never stop).
set_alert_stop_limit(alert_level, value)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert |
constant |
value |
in |
natural |
Number to set the stop limit |
-- Examples:
set_alert_stop_limit(ERROR, 2);
Increments the expected alert counter and stop limit for the given alert_level.
increment_expected_alerts_and_stop_limit(alert_level, [number, [msg, [scope]]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert |
constant |
number |
in |
natural |
Number to set the stop limit. Default value is 1. |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert. Default value is “”. |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
-- Examples:
increment_expected_alerts_and_stop_limit(WARNING, 2, "Expecting two more warnings");
Returns current stop limit for given alert type.
natural := get_alert_stop_limit(alert_level)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert |
-- Examples:
v_int := get_alert_stop_limit(FAILURE);
Set given alert type to t_attention: IGNORE or REGARD.
set_alert_attention(alert_level, attention, [msg])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert |
constant |
attention |
in |
Sets the attention for the alert |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert. Default value is “”. |
-- Examples:
set_alert_attention(NOTE, IGNORE, "Ignoring all note-alerts");
Returns current attention (IGNORE or REGARD) for given alert type.
t_attention := get_alert_attention(alert_level)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert |
-- Examples:
v_attention := get_alert_attention(WARNING)
Logs the values in the global_ctrl signal, which is described in Using Hierarchical Alert Reporting.
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
in |
t_void |
A dummy parameter for easier reading syntax |
Logs the values in the msg_id_panel, which is described in Using Hierarchical Alert Reporting.
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
in |
t_void |
A dummy parameter for easier reading syntax |
Logs the status of all alert counters, typically at the end of simulation. For each alert_level, the alert counter is compared with the expected counter. If parameter is FINAL, an additional summary concluding success or failure is logged. VOID parameter gives same result as FINAL.
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
order |
in |
Whether the report is to be printed during simulation or at the end |
constant |
in |
t_void |
A dummy parameter for easier reading syntax |
-- Examples:
Logs the number of all check counters in the testbench, typically to be used at the end of simulation. Note that this functionality is disabled by default to avoid possible decreased performance, set C_ENABLE_CHECK_COUNTER to true in adaptations_pkg to enable it. The VOID parameter gives same result as FINAL.
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
order |
in |
Whether the report is to be printed during simulation or at the end |
constant |
in |
t_void |
A dummy parameter for easier reading syntax |
-- Examples:
Basic Randomization
random() - function
Returns a random value. The function uses and updates a global seed.
std_logic := random(VOID)
std_logic_vector := random(length)
integer := random(min_value(int), max_value(int))
real := random(min_value(real), max_value(real))
time := random(min_value(time), max_value(time), [time_resolution(time)])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
in |
t_void |
A dummy parameter for easier reading syntax |
constant |
length |
in |
integer |
Length of the random vector to return |
constant |
min_value |
in |
see overloads |
Minimum value in the range to generate the random number |
constant |
max_value |
in |
see overloads |
Maximum value in the range to generate the random number |
constant |
time_resolution |
in |
time |
Defines how many values can be generated between min_value and max_value. If the given resolution is too small for the range, a TB_WARNING will be printed once. Default value is the simulator time resolution. |
-- Examples:
v_sl := random(VOID);
v_slv := random(v_slv'length);
v_int := random(1, 10);
v_real := random(0.01, 0.03);
v_time := random(25 us, 50 us); -- Generates random values with the default resolution of the simulator
v_time := random(25 us, 50 us, us); -- Generates random values with a resolution of 1 us
random() - procedure
Sets v_target to a random value. The procedure uses and updates v_seed1 and v_seed2.
random(v_seed1, v_seed2, v_target(sl))
random(v_seed1, v_seed2, v_target(slv))
random(min_value(int), max_value(int), v_seed1, v_seed2, v_target(int))
random(min_value(real), max_value(real), v_seed1, v_seed2, v_target(real))
random(min_value(time), max_value(time), [time_resolution(time)], v_seed1, v_seed2, v_target(time))
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
min_value |
in |
see overloads |
Minimum value in the range to generate the random number |
constant |
max_value |
in |
see overloads |
Maximum value in the range to generate the random number |
constant |
time_resolution |
in |
time |
Defines how many values can be generated between min_value and max_value. If the given resolution is too small for the range, a TB_WARNING will be printed once. Default value is the simulator time resolution. |
variable |
v_seed1 |
inout |
positive |
Randomization seed 1 |
variable |
v_seed2 |
inout |
positive |
Randomization seed 2 |
variable |
v_target |
inout |
see overloads |
Variable where the random value is placed |
-- Examples:
random(v_seed1, v_seed2, v_sl);
random(v_seed1, v_seed2, v_slv);
random(1, 10, v_seed1, v_seed2, v_int);
random(0.01, 0.03, v_seed1, v_seed2, v_real);
random(25 us, 50 us, v_seed1, v_seed2, v_time); -- Generates random values with the default resolution of the simulator
random(25 us, 50 us, us, v_seed1, v_seed2, v_time); -- Generates random values with a resolution of 1 us
Sets the global seeds to seed1 and seed2.
randomize(seed1, seed2, [msg, [scope])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
seed1 |
in |
positive |
Randomization seed 1 |
constant |
seed2 |
in |
positive |
Randomization seed 2 |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert. Default value is “randomizing seeds”. |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
-- Examples:
randomize(12, 14, "Setting global seeds");
String handling
Methods are defined in string_methods_pkg.vhd
to_string() - IEEE [1]
IEEE defined to_string functions. Return a string with the value of the argument ‘value’.
string := to_string(value(ANY_SCALAR_TYPE))
string := to_string(value(slv))
string := to_string(value(time), unit(time))
string := to_string(value(real), digits(natural))
string := to_string(value(real), format(string)) -- C-style formatting
Additions to the IEEE defined to_string functions. Return a string with the value of the argument ‘val’.
string := to_string(val(bool), width, justified, format_spaces, [truncate])
string := to_string(val(int), width, justified, format_spaces, [truncate, [radix, [prefix, [format]]]])
string := to_string(val(int), radix, prefix, [format])
string := to_string(val(slv), radix, [format, [prefix]])
string := to_string(val(u), radix, [format, [prefix]])
string := to_string(val(s), radix, [format, [prefix]])
string := to_string(val(t_slv_array), [radix, [format, [prefix]]])
string := to_string(val(t_signed_array), [radix, [format, [prefix]]])
string := to_string(val(t_unsigned_array), [radix, [format, [prefix]]])
string := to_string(val(integer_vector), [radix, [format, [prefix]]])
string := to_string(val(t_natural_vector), [radix, [format, [prefix]]])
string := to_string(val(real_vector))
string := to_string(val(time_vector))
string := to_string(val(string)) -- Removes non printable ASCII characters
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
val |
in |
see overloads |
Value to be converted into string |
constant |
width |
in |
natural |
Width of the returned string |
constant |
justified |
in |
side |
Which side to justify the text (RIGHT, LEFT) |
constant |
format_spaces |
in |
Whether to keep or skip the leading spaces |
constant |
truncate |
in |
Whether to truncate the string or not. Default value is DISALLOW_TRUNCATE. |
constant |
radix |
in |
Radix of the string value. Default value is different depending on the overload. |
constant |
prefix |
in |
Whether to include the radix or not. Default value is EXCL_RADIX. |
constant |
format |
in |
Whether to keep or skip the leading zeros. Default value is different depending on the overload. |
-- Examples:
v_string := to_string(v_u8, DEC);
v_string := to_string(v_slv8, HEX, AS_IS, INCL_RADIX);
Returns the character for the ASCII value.
character := ascii_to_char(ascii_pos, [ascii_allow])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
ascii_pos |
in |
integer |
ASCII number input |
constant |
ascii_allow |
in |
Decide what to do with invisible control characters.
If ALLOW_ALL: return the character for any ascii_pos.
If ALLOW_PRINTABLE_ONLY: return the character only if
it is printable.
Default value is ALLOW_ALL.
-- Examples:
v_char := ascii_to_char(65); -- ASCII 'A'
Returns the ASCII value for the character.
integer := char_to_ascii(char)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
char |
in |
character |
Character to be converted to ASCII |
-- Examples:
v_int := char_to_ascii('A'); -- Returns 65
Returns a string containing an uppercase version of the argument ‘val’.
string := to_upper(val)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
val |
in |
string |
Value to be converted into uppercase |
-- Examples:
v_string := to_upper("lowercase string");
justify() - IEEE [1]
IEEE implementation of justify. Returns a string where ‘value’ is justified to the side given by ‘justified’.
string := justify(value, [justified], [field])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
value |
in |
string |
Value to be converted into uppercase |
constant |
justified |
in |
side |
Which side to justify the text (RIGHT, LEFT). Default value is RIGHT. |
constant |
field |
in |
width |
Default value is 0 |
Addition to the IEEE implementation of justify(). Returns a string where ‘val’ is justified to the side given by ‘justified’. In addition to right and left, center is also an option. The string can be truncated with the ‘truncate’ parameter or leading spaces can be removed with ‘format_spaces’.
string := justify(val, justified, width, format_spaces, truncate)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
val |
in |
string |
Value to be justified |
constant |
justified |
in |
side |
Which side to justify the text (RIGHT, LEFT, CENTER) |
constant |
width |
in |
natural |
Width of the returned string |
constant |
format_spaces |
in |
Whether to keep or skip the leading spaces |
constant |
truncate |
in |
Whether to truncate the string or not |
-- Examples:
Returns a string filled with the given character.
string := fill_string(val, width)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
val |
in |
character |
Character to fill the string with |
constant |
width |
in |
natural |
Width of the returned string |
-- Examples:
v_string := fill_string('X', 10);
Returns a string of a certain width with the string ‘val’ on the side of the string given in ‘side’. The remaining width is padded with ‘char’.
string := pad_string(val, char, width, [side])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
val |
in |
string |
Input string |
constant |
char |
in |
character |
Character to use as padding |
constant |
width |
in |
natural |
Width of the returned string |
constant |
side |
in |
side |
Which side to justify the text (RIGHT, LEFT). Default value is LEFT. |
-- Examples:
v_string := pad_string("abcde", '-', 10, LEFT); -- Returns "abcde-----"
Returns the input string minus the ‘num’ first characters.
string := remove_initial_chars(source, num)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
source |
in |
string |
Input string |
constant |
num |
in |
natural |
Number of characters to remove |
-- Examples:
v_string := remove_initial_chars("abcde", 1); -- Returns "bcde"
replace() - function
Returns a string where the target character has been replaced by the exchange character.
string := replace(val, target_char, exchange_char)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
val |
in |
string |
Input string |
constant |
target_char |
in |
character |
Character to be replaced |
constant |
exchange_char |
in |
character |
Replacement character |
-- Examples:
v_string := replace("string_x", 'x', 'y'); -- Returns "string_y"
replace() - procedure
Similar to function version of replace(). Line procedure replaces the input with a line where the target character has been replaced by the exchange character.
replace(text_line, target_char, exchange_char)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
variable |
text_line |
inout |
line |
Text line |
constant |
target_char |
in |
character |
Character to be replaced |
constant |
exchange_char |
in |
character |
Replacement character |
-- Examples:
replace(str, 'a', 'b');
Returns the position of the leftmost character in the string. If not found, returns ‘result_if_not_found’.
natural := pos_of_leftmost(target, vector, [result_if_not_found])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
target |
in |
character |
Character to search for |
constant |
vector |
in |
string |
String where to look for the character |
constant |
result_if_not_found |
in |
natural |
Return value if character not found. Default value is 1. |
-- Examples:
v_natural := pos_of_leftmost('x', v_string);
Returns the position of the leftmost character, which is not zero or white-space, in the string. If not found, returns ‘result_if_not_found’.
natural := pos_of_leftmost_non_zero(vector, [result_if_not_found])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
vector |
in |
string |
String where to look for the character |
constant |
result_if_not_found |
in |
natural |
Return value if character not found. Default value is 1. |
-- Examples:
v_natural := pos_of_leftmost_non_zero(v_string);
Returns the position of the rightmost character in the string. If not found, returns ‘result_if_not_found’.
natural := pos_of_rightmost(target, vector, [result_if_not_found])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
target |
in |
character |
Character to search for |
constant |
vector |
in |
string |
String where to look for the character |
constant |
result_if_not_found |
in |
natural |
Return value if character not found. Default value is 1. |
-- Examples:
v_natural := pos_of_rightmost('A', v_string);
Returns the position of the rightmost character, which is not white-space, in the string. If not found, returns ‘result_if_not_found’.
natural := pos_of_rightmost_non_whitespace(vector, [result_if_not_found])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
vector |
in |
string |
String where to look for the character |
constant |
result_if_not_found |
in |
natural |
Return value if character not found. Default value is 1. |
-- Examples:
v_natural := pos_of_rightmost_non_whitespace(v_string);
get_[procedure|process|entity]_name from_instance_name()
Returns the procedure, process or entity name from the given instance name as a string. The instance name must be <object>’instance_name, where object is a signal, variable or constant defined in the procedure, process or entity respectively.
string := get_procedure_name_from_instance_name(val)
string := get_process_name_from_instance_name(val)
string := get_entity_name_from_instance_name(val)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
val |
in |
string |
Instance name |
-- Examples:
v_string := get_procedure_name_from_instance_name(C_INT'instance_name);
v_string := get_process_name_from_instance_name(C_INT'instance_name);
v_string := get_entity_name_from_instance_name(C_INT'instance_name);
Returns the val string if the condition is true, otherwise it returns an empty string.
string := return_string_if_true(val, return_val)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
val |
in |
string |
String to return if condition is true |
constant |
return_val |
in |
boolean |
Condition to decide which string to return |
-- Examples:
v_string := return_string_if_true("abcde", v_print_txt);
Returns the val1 string if the condition is true, otherwise it returns the val2 string.
string := return_string1_if_true_otherwise_string2(val1, val2, return_val)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
val1 |
in |
string |
String to return if condition is true |
constant |
val2 |
in |
string |
String to return if condition is false |
constant |
return_val |
in |
boolean |
Condition to decide which string to return |
-- Examples:
v_string := return_string1_if_true_otherwise_string2("abcde", "fghij", v_print_first);
Signal generators
Generates a clock signal. Usage: Include the clock_generator as a concurrent procedure from your testbench.
clock_generator(clock_signal, [clock_count], clock_period, [clock_high_percentage])
clock_generator(clock_signal, [clock_count], clock_period, clock_high_time)
clock_generator(clock_signal, clock_ena, [clock_count], clock_period, clock_name, [clock_high_percentage])
clock_generator(clock_signal, clock_ena, [clock_count], clock_period, clock_name, clock_high_time)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
clock_signal |
inout |
std_logic |
Clock signal |
signal |
clock_ena |
in |
boolean |
Start or stop the clock during simulation. Each start / stop is logged (if msg_id ID_CLOCK_GEN is enabled). |
signal |
clock_count |
out |
natural |
Counts the number of clock cycles. Starts at 0 and wraps when reaching max value of natural type. |
constant |
clock_period |
in |
time |
Clock period |
constant |
clock_high_percentage |
in |
natural |
Duty cycle in percentage (1 to 99). Default value is 50. |
constant |
clock_high_time |
in |
time |
Duty cycle in time |
constant |
clock_name |
in |
string |
Name of the clock |
-- Examples:
clock_generator(clk50M, 20 ns);
clock_generator(clk100M, clk100M_ena, 10 ns, "100 MHz with 60% duty cycle", 60);
clock_generator(clk100M, clk100M_ena, clk100M_cnt, 10 ns, "100 MHz with 60% duty cycle", 6 ns);
Generates a clock with adjustable duty cycle. Usage: Include the adjustable_clock_generator as a concurrent procedure from your testbench.
adjustable_clock_generator(clock_signal, clock_ena, clock_period, [clock_name], clock_high_percentage)
adjustable_clock_generator(clock_signal, clock_ena, clock_count, clock_period, clock_name, clock_high_percentage)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
clock_signal |
inout |
std_logic |
Clock signal |
signal |
clock_ena |
in |
boolean |
Start or stop the clock during simulation. Each start / stop is logged (if msg_id ID_CLOCK_GEN is enabled). |
signal |
clock_count |
out |
natural |
Counts the number of clock cycles. Starts at 0 and wraps when reaching max value of natural type. |
constant |
clock_period |
in |
time |
Clock period |
signal |
clock_high_percentage |
in |
natural |
Duty cycle in percentage (1 to 99). |
constant |
clock_name |
in |
string |
Name of the clock |
-- Examples:
adjustable_clock_generator(clk50M, clk50M_ena, 20 ns, 50);
adjustable_clock_generator(clk50M, clk50M_ena, 20 ns, "100MHz clock with 50% duty cycle", 50);
adjustable_clock_generator(clk50M, clk50M_ena, clk50M_cnt, 20 ns, "100MHz clock with 60% duty cycle", 60);
Generates a pulse on the target signal for a certain amount of time or a number of clock cycles. Note that the clock_signal version will synchronize the pulse to clock_signal and begin the pulse on the falling edge and end the pulse on a succeeding falling edge.
gen_pulse(target(sl), [pulse_value(sl)], pulse_duration, [blocking_mode], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
gen_pulse(target(sl), [pulse_value(sl)], clock_signal, num_periods, msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
gen_pulse(target(bool), [pulse_value(bool)], pulse_duration, [blocking_mode], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
gen_pulse(target(bool), [pulse_value(bool)], clock_signal, num_periods, msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
gen_pulse(target(slv), [pulse_value(slv)], pulse_duration, [blocking_mode], msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
gen_pulse(target(slv), [pulse_value(slv)], clock_signal, num_periods, msg, [scope, [msg_id, [msg_id_panel]]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
target |
inout |
see overloads |
Signal where to generate the pulse |
constant |
pulse_value |
in |
see overloads |
Pulse value. Default is ‘1’ | true | (others=>’1’) |
signal |
clock_signal |
in |
std_logic |
Clock signal to synchronize the pulse with |
constant |
num_periods |
in |
integer |
Duration of the pulse in clock periods |
constant |
pulse_duration |
in |
time |
Duration of the pulse in time |
constant |
blocking_mode |
in |
When BLOCKING, the procedure blocks the caller until
the pulse is done.
When NON_BLOCKING, the procedure starts the pulse and
schedules the end of the pulse so that the caller can
continue immediately.
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
constant |
msg_id |
in |
t_msg_id |
Message ID used in the log, defined in adaptations_pkg. Default value is ID_GEN_PULSE. |
constant |
msg_id_panel |
in |
t_msg_id_panel |
Controls verbosity within a specified scope. Default value is shared_msg_id_panel. |
-- Examples:
gen_pulse(sl_1, 50 ns, BLOCKING, "Pulsing for 50 ns");
gen_pulse(sl_1, '1', 50 ns, BLOCKING, "Pulsing for 50 ns");
gen_pulse(slv8, 50 ns, "Pulsing SLV for 50 ns", ALLOW_PULSE_CONTINUATION);
gen_pulse(slv8, x"AB", clk100M, 2, "Pulsing SLV for 2 clock periods");
It is recommended to use a constant for flag_name to avoid typing errors in methods block_flag(), unblock_flag() and await_unblock_flag().
Blocks a flag to allow synchronization between processes. Adds a new blocked flag if it does not already exist. Maximum number of flags can be modified in adaptations_pkg. Generates an alert with already_blocked_severity if the flag is already blocked.
block_flag(flag_name, msg, [already_blocked_severity, [scope]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
flag_name |
in |
string |
Name of the flag. Recommended to use a constant. |
constant |
already_blocked_severity |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert when a flag is already blocked. Default value is WARNING. |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
-- Examples:
block_flag("my_flag", "blocking my flag");
block_flag(C_MY_FLAG_1, "blocking " & C_MY_FLAG_1, WARNING, "My Scope");
Unblocks a flag to allow a process that is waiting on that flag to continue. Adds a new unblocked flag if it does not already exist.
unblock_flag(flag_name, msg, trigger, [scope])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
flag_name |
in |
string |
Name of the flag. Recommended to use a constant. |
signal |
trigger |
inout |
std_logic |
Must use the global signal global_trigger which allows await_unblock_flag() to detect unblocking |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
-- Examples:
unblock_flag("my_flag", "unblocking my flag", global_trigger);
unblock_flag(C_MY_FLAG_1, "unblocking " & C_MY_FLAG_1, global_trigger, "My Scope");
Waits for a flag to be unblocked. Continues immediately if the flag already is unblocked. Adds a new blocked flag if it does not already exist and waits for the flag to be unblocked. Generates an alert with timeout_severity if the flag is not unblocked within the timeout. The flag can be re-blocked when leaving the process by setting flag_returning=RETURN_TO_BLOCK.
await_unblock_flag(flag_name, timeout, msg, [flag_returning, [timeout_severity, [scope]]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
flag_name |
in |
string |
Name of the flag. Recommended to use a constant. |
constant |
timeout |
in |
time |
Timeout for the flag to be unblocked. A value of 0 ns means wait forever. |
constant |
timeout_severity |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert when a flag is not unblocked within the timeout. Default value is ERROR. |
constant |
flag_returning |
in |
Status of the flag after exiting the procedure. Default value is KEEP_UNBLOCKED. |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
-- Examples:
await_unblock_flag("my_flag", 0 ns, "waiting for my_flag to be unblocked");
await_unblock_flag("my_flag", 10 us, "waiting for my_flag to be unblocked", RETURN_TO_BLOCK, WARNING);
await_unblock_flag(C_MY_FLAG_1, 10 us, "waiting for " & C_MY_FLAG_1 & " to be unblocked", RETURN_TO_BLOCK, WARNING, "My Scope");
The procedure can be used to synchronize between several sequencers. When the procedure is called, it waits for all sequencers using the same barrier_signal to reach their call of await_barrier().
await_barrier(barrier_signal, timeout, msg, [timeout_severity, [scope]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
barrier_signal |
inout |
std_logic |
Name of the barrier signal. You may use the predefined global_barrier or define your own barrier_signal of type std_logic. |
constant |
timeout |
in |
time |
Timeout for all the sequencers to reach the same barrier signal. A value of 0 ns means wait forever. |
constant |
timeout_severity |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert when the barrier is not reached within the timeout. Default value is ERROR. |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
Describes the scope from which the log/alert originates. Default value is C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT. |
-- Examples:
await_barrier(global_barrier, 100 us, "waiting for global barrier", ERROR, "My Scope");
BFM Common package
Methods are defined in bfm_common_pkg.vhd
Normalize ‘value’ to the width given by ‘target’.
If value’length > target’length, remove leading zeros (or sign bits) from value.
If value’length < target’length, add padding (leading zeros, or sign bits) to value.
std_logic_vector := normalize_and_check(value(slv), target(slv), mode, value_name, target_name, msg)
unsigned := normalize_and_check(value(u), target (u), mode, value_name, target_name, msg)
signed := normalize_and_check(value(s), target (s), mode, value_name, target_name, msg)
t_slv_array := normalize_and_check(value(t_slv_array), target(t_slv_array), mode, value_name, target_name, msg)
t_unsigned_array := normalize_and_check(value(t_unsigned_array), target(t_unsigned_array), mode, value_name, target_name, msg)
t_signed_array := normalize_and_check(value(t_signed_array), target(t_signed_array), mode, value_name, target_name, msg)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
value |
in |
see overloads |
Value to be normalized |
constant |
target |
in |
see overloads |
Parameter used to normalize the value |
constant |
mode |
in |
Used for sanity checks, it can be one of:
ALLOW_WIDER : Allow only value’length >= target’length
ALLOW_NARROWER : Allow only value’length <= target’legth
ALLOW_WIDER_NARROWER : Allow both of the above
ALLOW_EXACT_ONLY: Allow only value’length = target’legth
constant |
value_name |
in |
string |
Name of the value for logging purposes |
constant |
target_name |
in |
string |
Name of the target for logging purposes |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert |
-- Examples:
v_slv8 := normalize_and_check(v_slv5, v_slv8, ALLOW_NARROWER, "8bit slv", "5bit slv", "Normalizing and checking slv");
Wait until a certain time has passed after the rising edge of the clock. If the time passed since the previous rising_edge is less than wait_time, don’t wait until the next rising_edge, just wait_time after the previous rising_edge.
wait_until_given_time_after_rising_edge(clk, wait_time)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
clk |
in |
std_logic |
Clock signal |
constant |
wait_time |
in |
time |
Time to wait after the rising edge of the clock |
-- Examples:
wait_until_given_time_after_rising_edge(clk50M, 5 ns);
Wait until a certain time before the rising edge of the clock. If the time until rising_edge is less than time_to_edge, wait until the next rising_edge and afterwards until time_to_edge before rising_edge.
wait_until_given_time_before_rising_edge(clk, time_to_edge, clk_period)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
clk |
in |
std_logic |
Clock signal |
constant |
time_to_edge |
in |
time |
Time to wait before the rising edge of the clock |
constant |
clk_period |
in |
time |
Clock period |
-- Examples:
wait_until_given_time_before_rising_edge(clk50M, 2 ns, 10 ns);
Waits for a number of rising edges of the clk signal.
wait_num_rising_edge(clk, num_rising_edge)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
clk |
in |
std_logic |
Clock signal |
constant |
num_rising_edge |
in |
natural |
Number of rising edges of the clock to wait for |
-- Examples:
wait_num_rising_edge(clk50M, 5);
Waits for a number of rising edges of the clk signal, and then waits for a margin.
wait_num_rising_edge_plus_margin(clk, num_rising_edge, margin)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
clk |
in |
std_logic |
Clock signal |
constant |
num_rising_edge |
in |
natural |
Number of rising edges of the clock to wait for |
constant |
margin |
in |
time |
Time to wait after the rising edges of the clock |
-- Examples:
wait_num_rising_edge_plus_margin(clk50M, 3, 4 ns);
Synchronizes the start of a BFM procedure depending on the clock and bfm_sync.
wait_on_bfm_sync_start(clk, bfm_sync, setup_time, config_clock_period, time_of_falling_edge, time_of_rising_edge)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
clk |
in |
std_logic |
Clock signal |
constant |
bfm_sync |
in |
SYNC_ON_CLOCK_ONLY: waits until the falling edge of
the clk signal.
SYNC_WITH_SETUP_AND_HOLD: waits until the setup time
before the clock’s rising_edge
constant |
setup_time |
in |
time |
Setup time before the rising edge |
constant |
config_clock_period |
in |
time |
Clock period |
variable |
time_of_falling_edge |
out |
time |
Time of last the falling edge |
variable |
time_of_rising_edge |
out |
time |
Time of last the rising edge. When not found, returns -1 ns. |
-- Examples:
wait_on_bfm_sync_start(clk, config.bfm_sync, 2.5 ns, 10 ns, v_time_of_falling_edge, v_time_of_rising_edge);
Synchronizes the exit of a BFM procedure depending on the clock and bfm_sync. The times of falling and rising edges must be consecutive to be able to calculate the correct clock period.
wait_on_bfm_exit(clk, bfm_sync, hold_time, time_of_falling_edge, time_of_rising_edge)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
clk |
in |
std_logic |
Clock signal |
constant |
bfm_sync |
in |
SYNC_ON_CLOCK_ONLY: waits until one quarter of the
clock period (measured with the falling and rising
edges) after the clock’s rising_edge.
SYNC_WITH_SETUP_AND_HOLD: waits until the hold time
after the clock’s rising_edge.
constant |
hold_time |
in |
time |
Hold time after the rising edge |
constant |
time_of_falling_edge |
in |
time |
Time of the last falling edge |
constant |
time_of_rising_edge |
in |
time |
Time of the last rising edge |
-- Examples:
wait_on_bfm_exit(clk, config.bfm_sync, 2.5 ns, v_time_of_falling_edge, v_time_of_rising_edge);
Checks that the clock signal behaves according to configured specifications. Only when bfm_sync = SYNC_WITH_SETUP_AND_HOLD. The procedure must be called after the clock’s rising_edge.
check_clock_period_margin(clock, bfm_sync, time_of_falling_edge, time_of_rising_edge, config_clock_period, config_clock_period_margin, config_clock_margin_severity)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
clock |
in |
std_logic |
Clock signal |
constant |
bfm_sync |
in |
constant |
time_of_falling_edge |
in |
time |
Time of the last falling edge |
constant |
time_of_rising_edge |
in |
time |
Time of the last rising edge |
constant |
config_clock_period |
in |
time |
Expected clock period |
constant |
config_clock_period_margin |
in |
time |
Expected clock period margin |
constant |
config_clock_margin_severity |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert when the clock period plus the margin is not followed. Default value is TB_ERROR. |
-- Examples:
check_clock_period_margin(clk, config.bfm_sync, v_time_of_falling_edge, v_time_of_rising_edge, 10 ns, 2 ns, TB_ERROR);
General Watchdog
The general watchdog will terminate with the alert_level when timeout expires.
The VVCs support an activity watchdog. See Essential Mechanisms - Activity Watchdog for more details.
Initializes the watchdog timer as a concurrent procedure that will run until the timeout expires. A signal of the type t_watchdog_ctrl must be defined in the testbench, this is needed to call the other procedures on the watchdog.
This procedure has to be instantiated as a concurrent procedure in the testbench or test harness.
watchdog_timer(watchdog_ctrl, timeout, [alert_level, [msg]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
watchdog_ctrl |
in |
Signal controlling the watchdog timer |
constant |
timeout |
in |
time |
Watchdog timeout |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
Sets the severity for the alert when the watchdog timer expires. Default value is ERROR. |
constant |
msg |
in |
string |
A custom message to be appended in the log/alert. Default value is “”. |
-- Examples:
watchdog_timer(watchdog_ctrl, 500 us, ERROR, "Watchdog timer");
Extends the timeout of the watchdog timer by the specified time. If no time is given, the original timeout will be used as the time extension.
extend_watchdog(extend_watchdog, [time_extend])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
watchdog_ctrl |
inout |
Signal controlling the watchdog timer |
constant |
time_extend |
in |
time |
Time to extend the watchdog timer. Default value is original timeout. |
-- Examples:
extend_watchdog(watchdog_ctrl, 100 us);
Re-initializes the watchdog timer with a new timeout.
reinitialize_watchdog(watchdog_ctrl, timeout)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
watchdog_ctrl |
inout |
Signal controlling the watchdog timer |
constant |
timeout |
in |
time |
New watchdog timeout |
-- Examples:
reinitialize_watchdog(watchdog_ctrl, 1 ms);
Terminates the concurrent procedure where the watchdog timer is running. Once this is done the watchdog can’t be started again. This should normally be called at the end of the simulation.
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
signal |
watchdog_ctrl |
inout |
Signal controlling the watchdog timer |
-- Examples:
- t_alert_level
- t_attention
- t_match_strictness
- t_format_spaces
- t_truncate_string
- t_radix
- t_radix_prefix
- t_ascii_allow
- t_blocking_mode
- t_format_zeros
- t_from_point_in_time
- t_log_destination
- t_log_format
- t_log_if_block_empty
- t_quietness
- t_identifier_option
- t_range_option
- t_vvc_select
- t_list_action
- t_bfm_sync
- t_bfm_delay_type
- t_inter_bfm_delay
- t_order
- t_flag_returning
- t_watchdog_ctrl
- t_alert_counters
- t_normalization_mode
- t_data_routing
- t_report_alert_counters
- t_report_sb
- t_report_vvc
- t_byte_endianness
- t_test_status
- t_extent_tickoff
Message IDs
The predefined message IDs are listed in the table below. All the message IDs are defined in adaptations_pkg.vhd
Message ID |
Description |
– Bitvis utility methods |
Used as default prior to setting actual ID when transferring ID as a field in a record |
Used for buried log messages where msg and scope cannot be modified from outside |
Bitvis internal ID used for UVVM debugging |
Used for Utility setup |
Dedicated ID for enable/disable_log_msg. |
Used inside Utility library only - when setting IGNORE or REGARD on various alerts. |
Used for avoiding log entry. Cannot be enabled. |
Used when terminating the complete simulation - independent of why |
Used for logging when clock generators are enabled or disabled. |
Used for logging when a gen_pulse procedure starts pulsing a signal. |
Used for logging when using synchronization flags |
Used for logging the activity of the watchdog |
Used for logging “Enhanced Randomization” values returned by rand()randm() |
Used for logging “Enhanced Randomization” configuration changes, except from name and scope |
Used for logging functional coverage add_bins() and add_cross() methods |
Used for logging functional coverage add_bins() and add_cross() methods detailed information |
Used for logging functional coverage “Optimized Randomization” values returned by rand() |
Used for logging functional coverage sampling |
Used for logging functional coverage configuration changes |
– General |
To write a positive acknowledge on a check |
– Directly inside test sequencers |
For all test sequencer log headers. Special format with preceding empty line and underlined message (also applies to ID_LOG_HDR_LARGE and ID_LOG_HDR_XL). |
For all test sequencer large log headers. |
For all test sequencer extra large log headers. |
For all other test sequencer messages. |
For general purpose procedures defined inside TB and called from test sequencer. |
– BFMs |
BFM operation (e.g. message that a write operation is completed) (BFM: Bus Functional Model, basically a procedure to handle a physical interface). |
Typically BFM is waiting for response (e.g. waiting for ready, or predefined number of wait states). |
Used inside a BFM when polling until reading a given value, i.e., to show all reads until expected value found. |
Used inside a BFM when showing the summary of data that has been received while waiting for expected data. |
Used inside a BFM when the protocol is split into separate channels |
Typically used inside a loop in a procedure to end the loop (e.g. for sbi_poll_until() or any looped generation of random stimuli |
– Segment Ids, finest granularity of packet data |
Notify that a segment is about to be transmitted or received |
Notify that a segment has been transmitted or received |
Notify that a segment header has been transmitted or received. It also writes header info |
Notify that a segment data has been transmitted or received. It also writes segment data |
– Packet Ids, medium granularity of packet data |
Notify that a packet is about to be transmitted or received |
Notify that a packet preamble has been transmitted or received |
Notify that a packet has been transmitted or received |
Notify that a packet header has been transmitted or received. It also writes header info |
Notify that a packet data has been transmitted or received. It also writes packet data |
Notify that a packet checksum has been transmitted or received |
Notify that an inter-packet gap is in process |
Notify that a packet payload has been transmitted or received |
– Frame Ids, roughest granularity of packet data |
Notify that a frame is about to be transmitted or received |
Notify that a frame has been transmitted or received |
Notify that a frame header has been transmitted or received. It also writes header info |
Notify that a frame data has been transmitted or received. It also writes frame data |
– Distributed command systems |
Logs the commands sent to the VVC |
Logs the command’s ACKs or timeouts from the VVC |
Logs the fetched results from the VVC |
Message from VVC interpreter about correctly received and queued/issued command |
Message from VVC interpreter that it is actively waiting for a command |
Message from VVC interpreter that an IMMEDIATE command has been executed |
Message from VVC interpreter that an IMMEDIATE command is waiting for command to complete |
Message from VVC executor about correctly received command - prior to actual execution |
Message from VVC executor that it is actively waiting for a command |
Message from a channel specific VVC executor process |
Message from a channel specific VVC executor process that it is actively waiting for a command |
Message from a lower level VVC which receives a new command sequence from an HVVC |
Message from VVC executor that it is waiting a given delay |
– Await completion |
Temporary log messages related to old await_completion mechanism. Will be removed in v3.0 |
Used for logging the procedure call waiting for completion |
Used for logging modifications to the list of VVCs waiting for completion |
Used for logging when the procedure starts waiting for completion |
Used for logging when the procedure has finished waiting for completion |
– Distributed data |
Information about UVVM data FIFO/stack (initialization, put, get, etc) |
– VVC system |
Constructor message from VVCs (or other components/process when needed) |
Constructor message for lower level constructor messages (like Queue-information and other limitations) |
– Monitors |
General monitor information |
General monitor errors |
– SB package |
To write general handling of data |
To write general control/config information |
– Specification requirement coverage |
Used for logging specification requirement coverage initialization |
Used for logging the specification requirement list |
Used for logging general specification requirement coverage methods |
– File handling |
Id used when opening / closing file |
Id used in file parsers |
– Special purpose - Not really IDs |
Not an ID. Applies to all IDs (apart from ID_NEVER). |
Message IDs are used for verbosity control in many of the procedures and functions in UVVM-Util, and are toggled by using the procedures enable_log_msg() and disable_log_msg().
Example: A check is performed each clock cycle
check_value(my_boolean_condition, error, "Verifying condition", C_SCOPE, ID_POS_ACK, my_msg_id_panel);
The message ID ‘ID_POS_ACK’ is enabled by default, and will report a positive acknowledge if the check passes. Since the check is performed each clock cycle, the positive acknowledge will be printed each clock cycle. There are two possibilities if you wish to turn off the positive acknowledge message:
Disable ‘ID_POS_ACK’ in my_msg_id_panel (or use another msg_id_panel) by calling
disable_log_msg(ID_POS_ACK, my_msg_id_panel)
. This will disable positive acknowledge messages for any procedure call that uses this msg_id_panel.Call
with ‘ID_NEVER’ instead of ‘ID_POS_ACK’. This will disable the positive acknowledge for this particular call ofcheck_value()
, but all other calls tocheck_value()
will report a positive acknowledge.
Using Hierarchical Alert Reporting
Methods are defined in alert_hierarchy_pkg.vhd
Enable hierarchical alerts via the constant C_ENABLE_HIERARCHICAL_ALERTS in the adaptations package.
By default, there is only one level in the hierarchy tree, and one scope with name given by C_BASE_HIERARCHY_LEVEL in the adaptations package. This scope has a stop limit of 0 by default.
To add a scope to the hierarchy, call add_to_alert_hierarchy().
Any scope that is not registered in the hierarchy will be automatically registered if an alert is triggered in that scope. The parent scope will then be C_BASE_HIERARCHY_LEVEL. Changing the parent is possible by calling add_to_alert_hierarchy() with another scope as parent. This is only allowed if the parent is C_BASE_HIERARCHY_LEVEL and may cause an odd-looking summary (total summary will be correct).
In the child, call add_to_alert_hierarchy(<child scope>). This will add the scope of the child to the hierarchy with the default (base) parent.
In the parent, first call add_to_alert_hierarchy(<parent scope>). Then call immediately add_to_alert_hierarchy(<child scope>, <parent scope>) for each of the scopes that shall be children of this parent scope. This will re-register the children to the correct parent.
Example output

TODO: procedure initialize_hierarchy( constant base_scope : string := C_BASE_HIERARCHY_LEVEL; constant stop_limit : t_alert_counters := (others => 0) );
Add a scope in the alert hierarchy tree.
add_to_alert_hierarchy(scope, [parent_scope, [stop_limit]])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
constant |
parent_scope |
in |
string |
Default value is C_BASE_HIERARCHY_LEVEL. |
constant |
stop_limit |
in |
Default value is (others => ‘0’). |
-- Examples:
add_to_alert_hierarchy("tier_2", "tier_1");
TODO: procedure set_hierarchical_alert_top_level_stop_limit( constant alert_level : t_alert_level; constant value : natural );
TODO: impure function get_hierarchical_alert_top_level_stop_limit( constant alert_level : t_alert_level ) return natural;
TODO: procedure hierarchical_alert( constant alert_level: t_alert_level; constant msg : string; constant scope : string; constant attention : t_attention );
Increment the expected alert counter for a scope.
increment_expected_alerts(scope, alert_level, [amount])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
constant |
amount |
in |
natural |
Default value is 1. |
-- Examples:
increment_expected_alerts("tier_2", ERROR, 2);
amount |
1 |
Set the expected alert counter for a scope.
set_expected_alerts(scope, alert_level, expected_alerts)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
constant |
expected_alerts |
in |
natural |
-- Examples:
set_expected_alerts("tier_2", WARNING, 5);
Increment the stop limit for a scope.
increment_stop_limit(scope, alert_level, [amount])
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
constant |
amount |
in |
natural |
Default value is 1. |
-- Examples:
increment_stop_limit("tier_1", ERROR);
Set the stop limit for a scope.
increment_stop_limit(scope, alert_level, stop_limit)
Object |
Name |
Dir. |
Type |
Description |
constant |
scope |
in |
string |
constant |
alert_level |
in |
constant |
stop_limit |
in |
natural |
-- Examples:
set_stop_limit("tier_1", ERROR, 5);
TODO: procedure print_hierarchical_log( constant order : t_order := FINAL );
TODO: procedure clear_hierarchy( constant VOID : t_void );
Adaptations package
The adaptations_pkg.vhd is intended for local modifications to library behavior and log layout. This way only one file needs to merge when a new version of the library is released. This package may of course also be used to set up a company or project specific behavior and layout.
The package has constants for customizing functionality such as:
setting the alert and log files names
removing UVVM initial and release info printed in simulation
log format, e.g.: log prefix, log widths, scope default value
verbosity control, e.g.: default log msg ID, default message ID panel, default message ID indentation
alert counters, e.g.: default alert attention, default stop limit
hierarchical alerts, e.g.: enabling hierarchical alerts
synchronization, e.g.: maximum sync flags
enhanced randomization, e.g.: initial randomization seeds
functional coverage, e.g.: maximum number of coverpoints
VVC framework, e.g.: maximum number of VVC instances
scoreboard, e.g.: maximum number of SB instances
hierarchical VVCs, e.g.: supported interfaces
Global signal |
Type |
Description |
global_show_msg_for_uvvm_cmd |
boolean |
If true, the msg parameter for the commands using the msg_id ID_UVVM_SEND_CMD will be shown |
Global variable |
Type |
Description |
shared_default_log_destination |
t_log_destination |
The default destination for the log messages (Default: CONSOLE_AND_LOG) |
Additional Documentation
There are two other main documents for the UVVM Utility Library:
Making a simple, structured and efficient VHDL testbench – Step-by-step (PPT)
UVVM Utility Library – Concepts and Usage (PPT)
There is also a webinar available on ‘Making a simple, structured and efficient VHDL testbench – Step-by-step’ (via Aldec [2])
The UVVM Utility Library must be compiled with VHDL-2008 or newer.
Compile to library |
File |
uvvm_util |
uvvm_util/src/types_pkg.vhd |
uvvm_util |
uvvm_util/src/adaptations_pkg.vhd |
uvvm_util |
uvvm_util/src/string_methods_pkg.vhd |
uvvm_util |
uvvm_util/src/protected_types_pkg.vhd |
uvvm_util |
uvvm_util/src/global_signals_and_shared_variables_pkg.vhd |
uvvm_util |
uvvm_util/src/hierarchy_linked_list_pkg.vhd |
uvvm_util |
uvvm_util/src/alert_hierarchy_pkg.vhd |
uvvm_util |
uvvm_util/src/license_pkg.vhd |
uvvm_util |
uvvm_util/src/methods_pkg.vhd |
uvvm_util |
uvvm_util/src/bfm_common_pkg.vhd |
uvvm_util |
uvvm_util/src/generic_queue_pkg.vhd |
uvvm_util |
uvvm_util/src/data_queue_pkg.vhd |
uvvm_util |
uvvm_util/src/data_fifo_pkg.vhd |
uvvm_util |
uvvm_util/src/data_stack_pkg.vhd |
uvvm_util |
uvvm_util/src/rand_pkg.vhd |
uvvm_util |
uvvm_util/src/func_cov_pkg.vhd |
uvvm_util |
uvvm_util/src/uvvm_util_context.vhd |
Modelsim and Riviera-PRO users can compile the library by sourcing the following file: script/compile_src.do
Suppressed warnings
The compile script compiles the Utility Library with the following directives for the vcom command to suppress warnings about the use of protected types and interface objects not being globally static. These can be ignored.
Modelsim: -suppress 1346,1236
Riviera-PRO: -nowarn COMP96_0564 -nowarn COMP96_0048
Simulator compatibility and setup
See Prerequisites for a list of supported simulators.
Required setup:
Textio buffering should be removed or reduced. (Modelsim.ini: Set UnbufferedOutput to 1)
Simulator transcript (and log file viewer) should be set to a fixed width font type for proper alignment (e.g. Courier New 8)
Simulator must be set up to break the simulation on failure (or lower severity)
Disclaimer: This IP and any part thereof are provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with this IP.